Grown-Up Mobiles: Nathan Carter at Casey Kaplan

Williamsburg Brooklyn Public Housing Project Concealed Swinden Call and Response  
I’m really over long, evocative but gibberishy names for exhibitions– POCKET SHRAPNEL SET-UPS VERONICA VEX AND BROOKLYN STREET TREASURE –being a great example of such. That being said, the art itself in this Nathan Carter exhibition at Casey Kaplan was quite good–small scale Calder-esque with a bit more intricacy. The wall-sized installation above could have been a Miro if flat, but Carter brought out the dimensions by creating the composition from large metal pieces at varying depths to good effect (hard to capture in a photograph).

There was another fabulous, playful piece reminiscent of the game Mousetrap that I loved. However I am in a sad state–camera-less– and so will have to leave you with this one image pulled from the web and tell you to go see for yourself before October 23. For some reason Casey Kaplan doesn’t have any of his new work up.