Blog Hiatus

Taking a summer vacation is standard in most jobs, so considering how much time I sometimes spend blogging I’m giving myself a break. In case you were beginning to get jealous that I was sunning or adventuring somewhere fabulous, don’t worry. I’m just taking some time to adjust to my new job and find a new apartment, hopefully ridding myself of a ghastly two hour commute in the near future.

The commute is very handy for tweeting, however, in case you want to look me up there. Until then, happy summer and happy arting!

Governor’s Island: The Little Pleasure Island Next to Manhattan

It’s not only because its a quirky little green spot of land looking over its sprawling lawns and old buildings toward Manhattan. One free ferry ride over and you arrived at a Pleasure Island, full of people picnicking, riding bikes, eating ice cream, and far stranger things: like dressing up as flappers and dancing to 1920s tunes or even taking trapeze classes.

Last summer’s art festival was more prevalent, but this year they still had the artist-designed minigolf course (love) and on the lawn next to it a group of playful installations that adults as much as children seemed to enjoy. I especially loved the bright graphic birds of Flock to Living.