Jim Shaw’s Americana melange at the New Museum


The New Museum’s “Jim Shaw: The End is Here” presents a retrospective of the 63-year-old West Coast artist who frames his exploration of fringe movements and pop Zeitgeist in inquisitive, art historical terms. My main takeaway from the Shaw exhibition: more is more. Especially when you hang it salon style across big galleries and fill vitrine after vitrine with esoterica. The survey of work from the 1970s onward, on view until January 10, fills three floors.


Seven Deadly Sins

The second floor opens with a wide range of small works from the 90s–drawings of dreams and painted reimaginings of pulpy book covers. Both tend toward the erotic and the surreal. These works lay the ground for recurring subject matter in Shaw’s oeuvre: pop rendered vivid and uncanny. However, the next room of relatively stripped down recent paintings dispelled any suggestion that Shaw’s interests could be so neatly contained.  In these paintings, the difference between loose background and tightly rendered foreground gives the dense art historical and political allusion room to breathe (as in the excellent Seven Deadly Sins pictured above and below).

Detail, Seven Deadly Sins

Detail, Seven Deadly Sins

On the fourth floor, Shaw’s collections of thrift store paintings and of religious paraphernalia are on display, allowing the visitor to see the source material for much of the artist’s subject matter and share his fascination in lowbrow and weird Americana. The bad, enigmatic thrift store paintings are an odd prism with which to view American culture and the painters’ psyche; Shaw puts himself in their category by repeatedly displaying this collection in galleries.

Thrift Store Paintings

Installation of Thrift Store Paintings at the New Museum

Perhaps most impressive is Shaw’s dizzying collection of “didactic art,” featuring tent revival banners and tarot cards, medical texts and masonic heads. The material is probably vaguely familiar to most Americans, but I certainly never examined such cultural artifacts first hand. Even here, it is difficult to do so, simply because there is so much material to take in.

Collection of Didactic Art

Installation of Shaw’s Collection of Didactic Art at the New Museum

It is nuts–both the remnants of these fringe movements themselves and the attempt to collect and classify them into some kind of sensible order. Rather than succeeding, Shaw’s collection breaks down the border between what seems crazy and what seems reasonable. It makes you question the line in the sand between lunacy, belief, and fact–although personally I will continue to draw that line at the theory of aliens living among us.


The pièce de résistance is on the fifth and last floor. Labarynth: I dreamt I was taller than Jonathon Borosky is a show-stopping stage-set of art and culture references blurred into a surreal suggestion of narrative that one can’t pin down. Instead, one wanders among the painted backdrops, raw wood supports, and sandbags examining the imagery. Details, like the one pictured below, surprise you as you spot Colonel Sanders of KFC fame below a large eagle. Characters, seemingly derived from the tarot card set you viewed in the didactic art collection on the floor below, make an appearance as well.


The phrase “the sleep of reason produces monsters” came to my mind while viewing the show. The artist copied winged monsters from Goya’s famous etching earlier in the show, just as he refers to Dali, Picasso, and figures in the style of the game Monopoly in his final, ambitious work. It seemed fitting for this uncanny melange of found objects and paintings and drawings, in which oddball aspects of American culture start to feel strangely familiar.


Lowline Plans to Bring Light to Garden Under Manhattan

IMG_7896We’ve all heard of the Highline by now–the incredibly successful transformation of an unused railway line into a mix of walkway, garden, and public art project running up the Westside’s Meatpacking and Chelsea districts. Cueing off those elements of abandoned public transportation space and innovative design, the Lowline proposes to use the underground space of a former trolley station to create a garden under the Lower East Side.
IMG_7901To be clear, these photographs are of the demo Lowline Lab, which intends to show the public how plants can be grown underground. These experiments mimic how the nearby site of the Lowline (which connects to the JMZ Delancey-street subway station) will operate. The one-acre Williamsburg Bridge Trolley Terminal has been closed to the public since 1948. The Lowline proposal would reinvigorate the existing unused space and highlight historic architectural details. How would the sunlight get underground to the plants, you might wonder? Basically, in tubes.

Co-Founder James Ramsey, his team at Raad Studio,and Korea-based technology company Sunportal designed and installed optical devices which track the sun throughout the sky every minute of every day, optimizing the amount of natural sunlight we are able to capture. The sunlight is then distributed into the warehouse through a series of protective tubes, directing full spectrum light into a central distribution point. A solar canopy, designed and constructed by engineer Ed Jacobs, then spreads out the sunlight across the space, modulating and tempering the sunlight, providing light critical to sustain the plant life below.

Somehow it seems to work, as the many flourishing plants attest. As the founders of Lowline state, the Lower East Side is both densely inhabited and sorely lacking in green space, so this proposal for a new kind of public space is really appealing. And with winter coming, an indoor garden seems positively Edenic.

Rendering of Proposed Lowline

Rendering of Proposed Lowline

I was skeptical before I visited. But while I found it hard to imagine an underground garden, this demo lab certainly suggests that is is possible. Initially few people saw potential in the abandoned Highline either. Before it can become a reality, the Lowline needs to be approved by the city and raise money.

The Lowline Lab is located at 140 Essex Street and open to the public on weekends from 11 am to 5 pm through March 2016. Learn more here.IMG_7899

The Stettheimer Dollhouse & Duchamp’s Little Known Miniature


A dollhouse and Marcel Duchamp. Not exactly two words you expect to have a strong relationship.

But that would be incorrect, I was amazed to discover recently, when I came across the Stettheimer Dollhouse at the Museum of the City of New York. Peering through the glass that now encloses it, I saw a dollhouse taken to new, opulent heights with 16 rooms of elaborate themed decoration in a miniature two-story mansion that speaks of upper-crust 1930s New York. No detail was too small: tiny pieces of Limoges porcelain, carefully fashioned window drapes and swag, elaborate wall murals and mirrored doors as well as chandelier after chandelier. In fact, it is a replica of the Stettheimer sisters’ home created by Carrie Stettheimer. If the decor seems fantastic, it is also surprisingly mimetic; the Stettheimer home was also decorated in such a whimsical way. Stettheimer reproduced in detail period furniture, trim, and light fixtures and painted tiny wallpaper like the Noah’s Ark scene in the children’s nursery. She began it in 1916 and worked on it through the 1930s, her constant and singular artistic pursuit.

Ballroom Stettheimer Dollhouse

Beyond the care taken with this dollhouse, and its panache, is another surprise. Stettheimer asked some of the artists who frequented their home to create tiny copies of their paintings and sculptures for the dollhouse. The Stettheimer home was a hub of cultural activity as the sisters entertained a bohemian milieu, as evidenced by the dollhouse’s ballroom. The ballroom boasts an art collection to rival full-sized collections with works by Alexander Archipenko, George Bellows, Gaston Lachaise, and Louis Bouche. The stunner is a 2 x 3-inch rendition of Nude Descending a Staircase contributed by Marcel Duchamp. Lachaise did a miniature alabaster nude statue that appear outside the ballroom doors alongside William Zorach’s tiny bronze Mother and Child. The collection is displayed in carefully composed environment where the striped floor matches the gilded chairs and fireplace, complete with tiny logs waiting to be lit.

Carrie Stettheimer. Photographed on October 8, 1932 by Carl Van Vechten.

Carrie Stettheimer, photographed on October 8, 1932 by Carl Van Vechten.


Florine Stettheimer is known as the artist of the family: her original paintings are now prominently hung in the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s modern wing, where they stick out as separate from the larger Modernist conversation. Florine’s work also appears in the dollhouse: she contributed a miniature portrait of Carrie (it hangs in Carrie’s favorite bedroom of the dollhouse). Yet her sister Carrie’s dollhouse can be considered a unique work of art in its own right, a fantasy world perhaps all the more enticing because of its roots in reality. Carrie Stettheimer died in 1944 and, in 1945, her surviving sister Ettie gave it to the Museum of the City of New York, so that now Carrie’s life work is now on permanent view at the Museum of the City of New York.


Relative size of my thumb and Duchamp’s miniature Nude Descending a Staircase (bottom center).


William Zorach’s bronze Mother and Child (L), and Guston Lachaise’s alabaster nude (R).