Mi a magyar? at Kunsthalle, Budapest

Kunsthalle, Budapest

“What is Hungarian? Contemporary Answers” at the Kunsthalle brings together over 50 Hungarian artists in a large exhibition that covers a diverse group of perspectives on a rather contentious topic. As part of my initial orientation in Hungary a few weeks ago, the group was taken to Hero’s Square in Budapest, which is flanked by the Museum of Fine Arts on one side and the Kunsthalle on the other. I had already heard about the exhibition, but still I took the photo above marveling at the coincidence.  As it happens, this is the only recent exhibition to deal with national identity in Hungarian contemporary art and it coincidentally opened in time for my arrival here, to work on a project related to just that topic.

Coincidence, or timeliness?

Attila Now, 2012 by Gergo Kovach , Norbert Koterman  and Barna Peli

New Online, and Physical, Location

Changes. That is what is up, and I’m not just referring to the seasons. I moved Art Ravels over to WordPress, and hopefully you will find that the redirect from www.artsravel.blogspot.com is working. The new permanent address of the blog is www.linneawest.com/blog. I hope you’ll bookmark it, or add/update it in your reader of choice. There’s a link under Subscribe on the left that allows you to follow the blog via RSS, feed reader, or email.

View of Pest from the Buda Hills

I am writing this from Budapest, where I will be living for the upcoming year. As I mentioned earlier this summer, I have been awarded a grant to research contemporary Hungarian art. I am beyond excited and, as you can imagine, this means I’ll be writing more about art in Hungary and Europe and less about New York City. I also have started a personal blog about the experience here: www.ayearinbudapest.wordpress.com. I’d be thrilled to have you follow me there as well.

I’ve lived in New York since 2006 (except for one long hiatus) and have blogged here since 2008, so these are big changes, but definitely ones I feel good about. Thanks to all you who have read, commented, and followed me! It’s been a pleasure reading your blogs and following your thoughts and life changes as well. I hope you’ll stick with me during this next part.