This is the Daily Herald

It’s the newspaper for the Dutch side, where we live. It covers international and local news, but it especially brims with stories about Sint Maarten being slated to attain country statuson 10/10/10 rather than be part of the Netherland Antilles.

It is also full of these:



People with supernatural knacks.

Occult Scientists.

This is less than half of those advertising clairvoyant services to those seeking love, fidelity among couples, impotence, come back of affections, sales, power, and setting and removal of spells. Some study the occult, some are men of god. I thought this was paradise, but I didn’t know I could come here and solve all my problems by means of spells. There go my New Year’s resolutions–I’m hiring Professor Mamadou instead.

Also fun:

New Year’s Resolutions to Keep

My Resolutions:

  1. I will live it up (take long weekends to new places, socialize with new people, learn a new skill, etc)
  2. I will write more and with greater focus
  3. I will take care of myself, e.g. sleep, exercise, and eat
  4. I will stay far away from the bedlam of Times Square

People always make difficult or unpleasant resolutions and then lament not keeping them. Mine are lovely, pleasant resolutions. I can hardly help sticking to the third one, to some extent. What I resolve for myself in 2009 is to be fun, productive, healthy, and happy.

Sounds much better than losing 10 lbs. or being organized.