Anything is Possible

“I Am Not Me, the Horse is Not Mine” excerpt

I finally saw the art21 William Kentridge documentary last night (available for online viewing if you missed it too), and it reminded me what a performative artist Kentridge is. At his MoMA exhibition sometimes, like in the Melies series, one was watching his recorded performance, but I think I forgot about the aspect because I was caught up in the action. He uses his body as a tool without making the work seem about himself. And the results are usually delightful.

Automatic Writing by William Kentridge

I’m still on a Kentridge kick–there’s a whole host of clips of his work on YouTube, in case you are similarly interested. Unlike many paintings, or god forbid sculpture, a person can appreciate this work without visiting a museum. If you go through a a sequential play of his works on YouTube, like I did recently, it’s like having a museum in your living room.

Happy Saturday!