No more! Like a two tone, blown up, gaudy portrait of a celebrity’s face is a tired take on Warhol, writing on the wall seemed like a similar convention by the end of the art fairs. I get it; it’s convenient to spit out your message, sardonic, mocking or inscrutable as it may be, then let the peons wonder. But I am no longer impressed–the same goes for cars being put in galleries (Gabriel Orozco, whoever you were at Independent, and especially you, overhyped BHQF at the Whintey) and for the raven trope (be they stuffed, cast, molded, silhouettes, or talking.) Maybe it was the art fair atmosphere, but I lost the distinction between signage and art about a day into it.
So I suppose it’s clear why Ryan Gander’s piece at Armory, of busted up signage, appealed to me, despite myself, just a little bit. On the whole though, it’s just become a boring way to convey something. All these photos were taken at Pulse and Armory on the last day of the fairs, when I was thoroughly sick of sayings, aphorisms, declarations etc, but Verge, Independent and Scope had their fair share. Does anyone else notice all the writing on the wall? What did you think of it?