Prominent price tags remind one of specials at Wal-Mart at Heist Gallery’s new exhibition Papercut. Mostly works on paper, the exhibition either looks like a college graduation show (as it is rather accomplished) or the cast-off sketches of artists capable of much bigger and more work intensive projects.
Chris Rubino, This Once Was an IslandIn the current market though, art from a gallery for less than $100 is refreshing–let’s hope its a new trend. If Vogue can capture the charming possibilities offered to consumers at Target and Wal-Mart, why not let recently laid-off art collectors see the possibilities?
No doubt it’s all the more appealing at one of the owner Talia Eisenberg’s hip parties. Eisneberg says in an interview, “I have always believed, but even more so now during this economic predicament, art should be socially democratic and affordable for all. Not just for the socialite but for the socialist!”
All works come in a limited edition of 10. What could have sold as unique (well, almost unique) holiday presents are still hanging on the walls, so maybe the true art bargain shoppers out there should wait until those prominent price tags have sale written on them.